
About Ahsan

Ahsan Farooqui is an AI&ML Professional. He is currently working as Senior Data Scientist at Afiniti where he maintains and builds AI models to pair the best agent with the customers. Previously he was working as Research Engineer at Knowledge Platform(KP) where he researched about different Big Data and Data Science tools, techniques and algorithms and suggests the optimum solution for the KP products. Additionally, he was also involved in UI/UX design for new interfaces.

Previously He was leading AI Robotics Process Automation(RPA) Technical Team at AIFactori : an Openware business' subsidiary. He worked on Proof of Concepts, Automating the day to day processes and training professionals and students on Python, Odoo and similar software.

He is an Electronic Engineer from GIK Institute with experience in Ericsson and Huawei as RF Design Engineer. Some of his past works included Initial tuning and optimization, KPI analysis of GSM/WCDMA sites, Multicarrier implementation, load balancing etc for WCDMA sites and design of New Rollout sites (2G/3G), MOCN (Multiple Operator Carrier Network) Implementation etc. He is trained for CCNA, Web Development (HTML/CSS/JavaScript/AJAX/jQuery/Wordpress), Data Science including implementation of data science codes in Python including Machine Learning algorithms etc.

Ahsan also volunteers for IEEE. He is managing Industry Relations Activities in Islamabad Section where he tried to bridge gaps between industry and academia. He is also a part of IEEE Mobile Application Development Contest (IEEEmadC) and coordinates with Ambassadors of IEEEmadC (mobile application development contest). He is also contributing for IEEE Day Team as Contests Lead.

Ahsan is a team player. He is a quick learner and gets along easily to new environments. He has the ability to see any problem in big picture and is able to define a pathway to resolve it.

Contact Details

Muhammad Ahsan Farooqui
Islamabad, Pakistan



Senior Data Scientist January 2023 - Present

AI Models for Agent-Caller Pairing

  • Maintains and builds model to ensure the right agents talk to right customers
  • Devising strategies for load balancing, smart routing etc.
  • Knowledge Platform

    AI/ML Research Engineer January 2019 - January 2023

    AI Transformation and Recommendation Systems

    • Preparing an intelligent content recommendation system
    • Analysis of currently available data points and research on new data points
    • Data Auditing and
    • Implementing an embeddings based recommendation system for dynamic personalized content recommendations
    • Creating and implementing Dependancy graphs for Skills
    • Setting up virtual machine and Flask API for recommendation engine

    UI/UX designing

    • Preparing Workflows and mockups for new interface

    Teacher Training Program

    • Research on different techniques to create dynamic assessments
    • Implementation of an intelligent, adaptive Diagnostic Test Generator
    • Development of Dynamic Learning Paths for the learners

    OpenWare Business

    Data Scientist March 2018 - December 2018

    Process Automation for Routers

    ETL Stage:
    • Preparation of scripts for collecting Router Logs
    • Configure and create virtual machines and storage devices and mounting them
    • Exchange ssh keys and other details for seamless movement across the machines
    • Setting up ELK (elasticsearch,logstash,kibana) Stack for log analysis and visualization
    • Automating the Router Web Interface for human-less web interaction to automate GUI and to make decisions of channel selection based on the available channels.
    Proof of Concept details
    • Successfully completed Proof of concept for RPA implementation on 5 user devices as conveyed by the customer
    • Solution is able to automate GUI and can access multiple routers and servers within a minute
    • Development under way for the pilot project for 500 devices
    Tools & languages covered:

    Python toolboxes including ldtp, pywinauto, pexpect, pandas, matplotlib, selinium, subprocess, Xvfb etc.
    Linux (Ubuntu)

    Data Science Course

    Dice Analytics December 2017 - February 2018

    Three months Hands On Training course on Data Science with following things covered:
    • A. Basic Data Analysis and visualization of data using Numpy, Pandas, Scipy and matplotlib packages in Python.
      1. Visualizing data and different trends
      2. Finding and replacing missing values in data
      3. Finding basic correlations between the data
      4. Gathering basic information from data for suitable machine learning model
    • B. Statistical inference and hypothesis testing using python
      1. T-test, f-test etc.
    • C. Machine Learning techniques and analysis
      1. Supervised Learning
        1. Linear Regression
        2. Logistic Regression
        3. Kn-Neighbor Method
      2. UnSupervised Learning
        1. K-means method
        2. Trees Method
      3. Knime Basics
    • D. Association Rules
      1. Apriori Algorithm
    • E. Network Theory
      1. Use of Tools like Gephi etc.
    Courses Completed Online:
    • Intro to Python for Data Science - Datacamp
    • Statistical Thinking in Data Science - Datacamp
    • Intro to SQL for Data Science - Datacamp
    • Data Visualization using Python - Datacamp
    • Supervised Learning Using Scikit package - Datacamp
    • Machine Learning - Coursera (Under process)
    Kaggle contributions:
    Tools & languages covered:

    Anaconda Package (Including Jupyter Notebook), SQL, Python, R, Knime and Gephi

    LCC Pakistan - Contracting for Huawei Technologies

    3G RF optimization Engineer August 2016 - January 2018

    Mobilink(JAzz)-Warid Merger Project

    2G MOCN Project
    • Benchmarking KPIs and Parametric audits for 2G MOCN on Cell, BSC and IU level
    • Planning and moderating FPLMN Flushing Activities for nationwide 2G MOCN including creation of dummy cells, flushing MNCs to remove EPLMN from forbidden list etc.
    • Planning LAC change activities to facilitate 2G MOCN Activation
    • Planning flushing for the MORAN sites and clusters
    3G MOCN Project
    • KPI Benchmark, neighbor auditing of 3G MOCN on RNC, Cell, IU and CN-Operator level
    • Neighbor auditing and LAC verifications for EPLMN definitions
    IP Modernization and Swap Project
    • Monitor IP modernized sites, provide KPI benchmarks for the activity and troubleshoot any major degradations
    • Monitor Zero calls, KPIs for Swap. Perform initial configuration tests and troubleshoot any degradations or issues.
    • U900 Monitoring and benchmarking performance (Features used : IRC, NBIS)
    • New Rollout Sites monitoring and overshooting
    DSEURR DNI Project
    • Monitoring and troubleshooting 3G KPIs for Peshawar, Islamabad and Rawalpindi Cities after merger, swap and unlocking of new rollout sites.
    • Analysis for U900 for worst RTWP cases and resolution techniques
    • Worst cells analysis for swap and multiple core network KPIs and meeting KPIs as per agreed values

    Mobilink Super 3G Project

    • KPI Benchmark and analysis for the new rollout second carrier on 3G Cells
    • Daily RNC Monitoring for Rawalpindi City
    • Parametric, Neighbor auditing
    • Feature Trials including MOCN, CPC, ACP, SRB over HSUPA/HSDPA, and Immediate Assignment on TCH.
    • Script preparation for miscellaneous trials and features.

Ericsson Pakistan

RF Design and Optimization Engineer September 2013 - June 2016


Ericsson Performance and Achievement award on successfully delivering the RF design and locking it with Mobilink.

Warid 2G/LTE Optimization Project (May 2016 - June 2016)

  • Preparing Acceptance reports for the new rollout sites.
  • Monitoring NCS and FAS results to perform neighbor and frequency optimization.
  • Monitoring Stats and preparing KPI reports and on-site rectification requests.

Mobilink 3G Project (January 2015 – May 2016):

Parametric tuning and Optimization of new rollout and existing sites:
  • Performed License calculations, analysis and Channel element, user expansions calculations.
  • Analyzed and Improved KPIs including parametric tuning and neighbor optimization. Carried out rollout of new sites and optimizing them to meet Network level KPIs.
Multicarrier sites Project:
  • Added additional 5MHz to the existing 3G Network
  • Implementing, troubleshooting and initial tuning of the newly on-aired second carrier site licenses and Hardware expansions
  • Optimizing the KPIs for Multicarrier Sites and implementing different multicarrier strategies to overcome congestion, blocking and other issues.

Implemented features:

  • Multicarrier Feature (Carrier binding): to utilize the complete 10MHz band to get 42Mbps throughput.
  • Load Based Handover: Performed on different sites where Load based IRAT handover was needed.
  • CS Restriction on 2nd Carrier: CS was restricted on 2nd carrier to avoid blocking and reduce call drops.

Mobilink 2G Swap and Expansion Project (September 2013 – December 2014):

  • Designing network’s low level design for swap of GSM network. Design implementation on - ground and troubleshooting.  Hardware and cell design documents preparation to configure cell on network etc.
  • Planning TRX Expansions to overcome the traffic congestion and improve KPIs. This included Hardware/Power license and hardware calculations.
  • Extracting and analyzing statistics for basic troubleshooting of cells and initial tuning of new rollout sites.
  • Planning and executing Radio Network Design work orders for features and special case sites. Initial tuning of WCDMA new rollout sites, parameter tuning, feature testing and implementation. Reconciliation, Mbps calculations and Hardware/License Auditing.


FAST National University of Computing and Emerging Sciences Islamabad

Masters of Science in Data Science August 2020 - January 2023

Grade: 3.98/4.00
Research: Open-set classification for non-Euclidean surfaces

  • Statistics & Math for Data Science
  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Data Visualization
  • Computational Intelligence
  • Database Systems
  • Applied Programming (C++)
  • Social Network Analysis
  • Trained PointNet for point clouds dataset with over 80% accuracy.
  • Wrote source code for Yolo from scratch to detect car number plates
  • Trained vanilla GANs from scratch in MNIST data to generate handwriting recognition images from noise. Used multi-layered generator & discriminator models
  • Trained a convolution auto-encoder to reproduce images to study various aspects of encoder-decoder models & transposed convolutions
  • Implemented Urdu Poetry generation algorithm using n-gram models. Explored bidirectional and backward n-gram models
  • Implemented a roman Urdu spell checker using noisy channel models
  • Trained Naïve Bayes and Boolean Naïve Bayes classifiers to detect fake news

Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Topi, Swabi

Bachelors of Science in Electronics Engineeirng August 2009 - June 2013

  • Final Year Project: Computer Generated Holography
  • Major Courses Learnt : Communication Theory, Wireless Communication, Power Electronics, Power System Protection, Digital Image Processing
  • Co-Curricular Activities : Member of IEEE GIKI Student Branch, SPIE GIKI Student Branch
  • Research Papers Producing Products The Green Way

Islamabad Model College For Boys, F-8/4, Islamabad

Intermediate Examination June 2006-August 2008

  • Pre Engineering : Federal Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education


Telecom Tools (Huawei)

  • PRS, U2000, M2000 with CME, Scripting, Exports Extracting and Live Statistics monitoring
  • NASTAR client for user analysis

Telecom Tools (Ericsson)

  • Mentum Cell Planner, WinFiol, F-Secure, SecureCRT, MOShell
  • Mapinfo (SiteSee, Plano tools)
  • Citrix Clients(CNA, BSM, NCS, MRR, FAS, Traffic reports, TRX reports)

Programming Skills

  • Microsoft Excel VBA
  • Python
  • HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, jQuery, Bootstrap (This website. Duh!)
  • Familiar with C#, Java, C, Assembly Language
  • Ladder Logic for Siemens S7-200 PLC

Networking Skills

  • CISCO Packet Tracer
  • GNS3
  • WireShark

Microsoft Office Skills

  • Microsoft Excel - Formulae + VBA Coding
  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft Powerpoint

Simulation Software

  • Proteus
  • PSpice
  • Multisim
  • TEMS Discovery (Basic)

Volunteer Work

Volunteer Positions I currently hold in IEEE

  • IEEE Islamabad Section Industry Relations Coordinator (Jan 2018 - Present)
  • IEEEmadC Ambassadors Coordinator (Jan 2017 – Current)
  • IEEE Day Vice Chair (Jan 2020 - Current)

Volunteer Positions I held previously in IEEE

  • Team Member, IEEE Industry Relations Team, IEEE Region 10 (March 2015 – December 2016)
  • Treasurer, IEEE Young Professionals Islamabad Section (Jan 2015 – December 2016)
  • Student Activities Committee Chair, IEEE Islamabad Section (May 2015 – June 2017)
  • Jury Member, IEEE R10 Awards 2015 (Exemplary Student branch award)
  • Pakistan Representative, IEEE Young Professionals South Asia Committee (2014)
  • Section Student Representative, IEEE Islamabad Section (2012-2013)
  • Student Branch Vice Chair, IEEE GIK Institute Student Branch (2012-2013)
  • Committee Member, IEEE Student Digital Experience Contest (2017)
  • IEEE Day Ambassadors Coordinator for India, Pakistan, Bangladesh (Jan 2017 – Jan 2018)

Other Activities

Some recent activities that I have been a part of:

  • Participated in 1st Hajj Hackathon (August 1-3, 2018 in Jeddah) and developed a project named “Hajj API”.
  • Leading the IEEE Islamabad’s Data Science working group (2018 – onwards)
  • Lead the Industry Relations and Membership development activities for IEEE in Pakistan (2018 - onwards)
  • Lead the team to organize first Pakistan Student Computer Society Congress and IEEE Pakistan Student/Young Professionals/WIE congress (2015)
  • 3rd Prize at Civic Hackathon Competition held at Islamabad for developing an app mockup within 24 hours (2016).
  • Represented Pakistan at Dhaka, Bangkok, Hyderabad (India), Colombo and Dubai in various IEEE meetings and events (2013-2016).
  • Volunteered at The Citizens Foundation’s One Day Career Workshop in Nowshera.
  • Was presented certificate of recognition by Mr. Ahsan Iqbal (Minister Planning) on leading a team to Sri Lanka that won 8 out of 12 awards (2015).
  • Was part of organizing team of Conference: “Pakistan Energy Options” organized by SOPREST, and GIK Institute in Islamabad (2012)
  • Organized IEEE Pakistan Student Congress 2012 for the first time at GIK Institute as the coordinator of Congress.
  • Led a team to National Engineering Robotics Competition (NERC), 2011 held at NUST.
  • Led a team to Future Flight Design, 2011 (FFD) held at Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Delivered Several Workshops on basic circuitry of Line following robots and motor control circuits under flag of IEEE GIKI.

Get In Touch.

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